A Prayer for Election Time
Almighty God,
All of life is in your embrace—
Even the political life of our country.
We give you thanks for Canada, our home.
We give you thanks for a political system that invites our participation.
Saviour Jesus,
You cared for those who were poor, physically challenged, social outcasts.
You called all people to practice love, peace and reconciliation.
Empower us to hear the voices of the marginalized.
Move our hearts to seek the common good, rather than our own gain.
Holy Spirit,
You enliven us as Christians to be salt and light in this world.
Increase in us conversation, vigilance and prayer about this election.
Guide candidates to campaign fairly and present their viewpoints honestly.
Guide voters as they listen and assess the positions of the different parties.
May all of us speak and act in ways that bear witness to you. Amen.
—Adapted from a prayer by Carol Penner
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